I have recently did quite a bit of ponderin on a subject that seems to be a difficult task for a lot of folks, that is CHOICES. We as a society find ourselves allowing our lives to be lived on a system of choice that has no consequences.
I listen to the news on the radio as I drive and hear about a world that has allowed itself to go about a daily existence that encompasses only the choice that serves us now!! We want to use drugs to get high and feel a false sense of good, we want to drink to get drunk to feel a false sense of good, we want to have sexual relations only on the basis of acceptance and to feel a false sense of good.
We have lost sight of GODLY, moral, choices in which we prayerfully consider our situation and the event and if GOD will be glorified or if it will be of some sinful consequences.
I submit the word of GOD as it states very plainly many times that we need to pray in all things, without ceasing and give GOD total control of the situations we pray about so that he will be glorified and we will keep away from any consequences of sinful choices.