Thursday, September 22, 2016

That's a another reason showing how much GOD loves you!!

As I sit here this evening thinking about how blessed my life is I began thinking of ways to help people see how blessed they were in all things.

I first thought of John 3:16 and how plainly it tells us that GOD so loved the world he gave us his only son as a sacrifice for our sins, and that alone if it was the only blessing we ever received would in fact be the greatest blessing of any. But then I began to think of all the things we take for granted that are blessings: such as not just clothes on our back but nice clothes on our back! Then I decided I was going to start a list, a list of all the reasons GOD loves us!! Now at first I was thinking of obvious things like food to eat and a vehicle to drive. As I continued to think about it something occurred to me I needed to be more specific and more thankful.

I needed to begin in the beginning: Breath, I am genuinely thankful for and cherish every breath you give me LORD. This is where I begin every day and end every day, and every day I strive to be thankful for every aspect of my day, even when I am not happy with what's going on I am thankful for GOD leading me through these valleys because with everything I can learn something. Teach me with all that I am and all you would give LORD.

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