Saturday, October 8, 2016

Tell me again what your plans are!!

As I laid in bed mulling over all the days happening's GOD laid something on my heart....... I had been replaying scenes in my head like a movie editor and as I was doing this I kept thinking "well that didn't go as I planned", over and over several times it went through my head, then just as I was settling for all the days events, GOD said it wasn't as you planned it was as I planned!!

I was humbled and started again going over all the days events but this time when I accepted the fact that I am GOD'S servant and all that happens is his will and not mine I started seeing things for what they were, BLESSINGS!

LORD, I pray that every breath I take I realize it's your will and your plans for my life, I want to show the world with all I do and say that no matter where people are in life it's GOD'S will and plans for their life he is blessing us with everything that happens. So next time you catch yourself telling GOD what the plan is or saying that wasn't in my plans stop for a moment and remember these are GOD'S plans not ours!

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